Wednesday, January 2, 2019

God's Love

It seems that all that I write about is love.  And that certainly is a big part of what we know, but that is only a small part of who the trinity is.  We must not forget that there is a lot more.  Perhaps one of the most famous sermon is "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God", by Jonathan Edwards.  Although God is love, he also hates sin.   It is a complex and difficult to understand picture.  But mankind is certainly a difficult and complex species.

That being said, the first thing that we need to understand, is that we are loved, and somehow we need to work on ways to love one another.  I like this image because of the  interlocking triangle which is a picture to me of the trinity.   A triangle is one shape after all with three sides.  

Hope for All

For those of us who know the Lord, we cannot imagine anything better than this gift.  It is impossible to describe to someone who has not experienced it.  For me, God revealed himself to me so early on in my life that he has been there for me through the majority of my days.

 This doesn't mean that I have not had my times of rebellion.  However, we love him, because he first loved us.  This is what grace really means.  It is a gift that we accept, offered freely and it changes everything.  It certainly has made all the difference to me.